Saturday 13 December 2014

Southern Summer Solstice 2014

Season’s greetings one and all.  With any luck you have received this electronically.   Last year I vowed to can Australia Post because of its price gouging but have relented to a small degree.  If you aren't techno-savy the letters will continue but this is it for the rest of you - we go fully eFestive from 2015 so please ensure I have your email address.   We have donated what we would have spent on postage to people who live life without the choices we take for granted.  Next year we’d like to spend more on them -

Well, what a year it’s been!  After far too many delays the new house at Hornsby Heights was finally nearing completion so we put Newington on the market in February.  If you’ve ever sold a house you know what sort of work that entails.  Now I have to tell you, Peter and I are hoarders, that’s all there is to it.  Newington looked neat enough most of the time provided you didn’t open cupboards, go into the garage or look beyond the study door.  Sorting, packing and moving was an ordeal – even with packers and movers on board – but we did it.  And Newington pulled more than we expected so that covered the major budget blow-outs on the build at Hornsby Heights.

Moving “home” to Hornsby felt right.  We were in a house of our own design which we had watched evolve and all was briefly right with the world, in fact wonderfully right.  Then a fucking big tree fell on our new house!  I’m sorry but it has to be said exactly that way.  It crushed a $25,000 Vergola which had only been up for two weeks; took out a chunk of roof and a couple of our custom made sets of floor to ceiling louvre windows which sent glass shrapnel flying into the big room at such a pace that it peppered the leather lounges and had to be dug out.  One of the two newly completed ponds was damaged; the new chook yard flattened; outdoor furniture took on bizarre new forms and many of the plants that were safely stored awaiting planting became very expensive compost as the extremely solid 30m scribbly gum crashed to earth ripping up our four day old lawn as it went.  In short it was a shocker!  But here comes the Universal Reality Check…

1.     We weren’t home – hallelujah!
2.    Our amazing landscapers, Ray and Jacob, left the site just minutes before the tree came down.  Had they not done so they would have been killed. 
3.    It smashed our house, not next door where our lovely neighbour Sal was just two metres away with both of her young kids. 
4.    Kevin was locked safely in the front of the house – surprised but unscathed.

It’s not always easy to put on your Pollyanna hat, or to even find it midst the rubble, branches and leaf litter, but that’s what we did.  There are millions of people on this planet who don’t have homes; billions who don’t have one that’s within coo-ee of what we are fortunate enough enjoy – even with a hole in it.  There was only one thing to do and that was release a primal yell then suck it up and call the insurance company.

The Youi assessor showed promise at first but then rapidly demonstrated that he was effectively incapable of arranging even a simple copulatory experience in a house of ill-repute.  It took two months to appoint a repairer and then things ground to a halt yet again.  We are still a work-in-progress as I prepare this draft in late-November.  Ray the Amazing Landscaper repaired all his work in no time at all and we also have a brand new Vergola named Lazarus.  Bizarrely enough, Laz was up before the roof was properly fixed which speaks volumes about the Vergola people but not Bay Building.  The tarpaulins were becoming both a fixture and a major distraction just as the plywood outlook from the sitting area of the big room was until last week but I need to reflect upon my Universal Reality Check and the millions of poor souls who live life under plastic or worse.

The major bright spot of 2014 was a reunion with two friends I hadn’t seen for 36 years.  It’s a long story but I when I fed three US quarters into a map machine at the Los Angeles Greyhound Terminal in 1978 two maps came out so I chased after some people I’d met on the airport bus and gave them the spare.  That set in train a magical chain of events which has enriched both our lives in so many ways.  Lin, from Durham, England; and Carol, from Boston, Massachusetts; have been a major part of that process.

Peter and I flew up to Cairns to meet them in August.  Lin flew in from the UK via Hong Kong and Carol arrived via just about every airport between Boston and Far North Queensland a few hours later.  It was wonderful beyond everyone’s expectations and we had the most amazing time in and around Cairns; on Green Island out on the rapidly failing Great Barrier Reef (see what’s left very quickly); and then back finally in Sydney.

As the year wore on and Pinocchio Abbott’s nose grew longer and longer we began to wonder what happened to the Murdoch gutter press and radio shock jocks who so mercilessly crucified Julia Gillard just 12 month earlier.  A male prime minister can apparently lie his arse off with absolute impunity - especially if he’s a bullyboy thug – but let a woman try to call the nation’s biggest polluters to order and it’s another story.  Sadly, truth and justice count for little in our brave new Australia and equity is just as fanciful a concept as John Howard’s myth of mateship.

To end, I borrow from the Thanksgiving tradition of our Canadian and American friends. 

I am thankful for my sister and brother-in-law, Jan and Tony, without whom our lives would simply not work.  I am thankful for my parents, Ruth and Neville, whose bequest of land made our retirement home a reality.  I am thankful for our friends and remaining family who pick us up, dust us off and give us love.  I am thankful for Kevin, our indulged cat-shaped-being, who provides us with immense joy.  I am thankful for the social service and medical safety nets we still enjoy in this nation – rights we must all fight to preserve!  I am thankful for the healthcare professionals who saved Peter’s life and who still offer us great support in what has become a diminished and all-too-narrow life experience.   And finally, I am thankful for this planet which sustains us all. 

Tread gently upon the Earth this coming rotation and return the blessings you’ve received.
Do something kind for someone you’ll never ever meet.

Glenn, Peter Lyle, Kevin Osama, Fluffy, Uranus, Baby Blue & the Significant Women


Yes, the Significant Woman have arrived – five chooks named for our amazing late friend, Sylvia Cross; great Australian, Hazel Hawke; the magnificent Margaret Whitlam; Indigenous poet and activist, Ooodgeroo Noonuccal; and Truganini, last of the full-blood Tasmanian Aboriginals.  If you haven’t already guessed, Oodgeroo and Truganini are black.

After yet another trades failure I lost it big time and sprayed like a tomcat.  As a result, five trades and two supervisors arrived on one day and all repairs bar the sliding security screen are now complete.  We’re blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel.